在第一次囫圇吞棗完Michael Sandel的Justice課程時,被他的結語touch到了一下。他如此期待著:
「When we first came together some 13 weeks ago, I spoke of the exhilaration of political philosophy and also of its dangers. About how philosophy works and has always worked by estranging us from the familiar by unsettling our settled assumptions. And I tried to warn you that once the familiar turns strange, once we begin to reflect on our circumstance, it’s never quite the same again.
I hope you have by now experienced at least a little of this unease because this is the tension that animates critical reflection and political improvement and maybe even the moral life as well. And so our argument comes to an end, in a sense, but in another sense goes on. Why, we asked at the outset, why did these arguments keep going even if they raise questions that are impossible ever, finally, to resolve? The reason is that we live some answer to these questions all the time. In our public life, and in our personal lives, philosophy is inescapable even if it sometimes seems impossible.
We began with the thought of Kant, that skepticism is a resting place for human reason, where it can reflect upon its dogmatic wanderings, but it is no dwelling place for permanent settlement. To allow ourselves simply to acquiescence in skepticism or in complacence, Kant wrote, can never suffice to overcome the restlessness of reason.
The aim of this course has been to awaken the restlessness of reason and to see where it might lead. And if we had done at least that, and if the restlessness continues to afflict you in the days and years to come, then we together have achieved no small thing.
Thank you.」。
或許接下來應該要試著拋開那些標籤(…標籤不斷地被眾人貼了又撕、撕了又貼,也早就不黏了,囧),更直接地去回答那些不容易的社會議題。(…但這應該也起碼要等到我精進了英文應對的化妝技巧,乃致於能成功欺騙過托福小白臉的感官經驗後了吧。… 本來是想誘使自己好好念英文才專心看這系列影集的啊,結果還是又被哲學思緒拉著跑了。orz)
- Jan 22 Sun 2012 20:48